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A window is an opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light, sound, and/or air.

PVC Double Hung Windows offer a traditional look and feel

Summary:PVC Double Hung Windows offer a traditional look and feel. They are suitable for high performance projects as well as hi...
PVC Double Hung Windows offer a traditional look and feel. They are suitable for high performance projects as well as historical renovations. These windows are made of high-end cellular PVC and have features such as a sloped sill and a sill nosing. They also have tilt locks and are available in various colours.

They are easy to use and clean, as they can be opened and closed repeatedly. They are also designed to be highly functional, as their sashes tilt in for easy cleaning.

The double-hung windows look like real wood and are rot-proof. They will not peel, splinter, or decay, and they do not absorb moisture. They also come in a variety of styles, including radius, extended leg radius, and true radius.

Single hung windows are also available. Single hung windows have one sash that pops out, while double-hung windows have two sashes that pop out. Double hung windows offer more ventilation and are energy-efficient than single-hung windows. These windows also feature easy cleaning from inside the home. They are also great for walkways and patios.

One of the greatest advantages of a double-hung window is its versatility. They are designed to match any architectural style. Their two operating sashes allow for easy cleaning. They also complement any interior or exterior decor. They are an excellent choice for mid-rise condominiums. They are highly customizable and can be used for any residential or commercial space.